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Authorization in VulcanSQL means picking the proper profile for each request.

Set the policy of profiles

We use attribute-based access control (ABAC) to guard our profiles, so you need to tell VulcanSQL the policy of each profile, that is, to set the allow property for each profile. This property should be string, an array of string, or an array of constraints. This is the structure of a constraint:

namestringSet a name constraint, wildcard supported. e.g. “admin”, “admin*” …etc.
attributesMap<string, any>Set an attributes constraint, wildcard supported on both keys and values. e.g. {”group”: “admin*”, “enabled”: true}

Here are some examples of policies:

  1. Allow every to access.

    - name: pg
    type: pg
    allow: '*'
  2. Allow the user whose name fits the pattern admin*. e.g. admin, admin-1, admin-boss …etc.

    - name: pg
    type: pg
    allow: 'admin*'
  3. Allow the user whose name fits the pattern admin* OR fits the pattern super*. e.g. admin-boss, super-star …etc.

    - name: pg
    type: pg
    - 'admin*'
    - 'super*'
  4. Allow the user who has attribute “group” and its value fits the pattern admin*.

    - name: pg
    type: pg
    - attributes:
    group: 'admin*'
  5. Allow the user

    • who has an attribute “group” and its value fits the pattern admin*. AND
    • who has an attribute “enabled” and its value is “true”.
    - name: pg
    type: pg
    - attributes:
    group: 'admin*'
    enabled: 'true'
  6. Allow the user who

    • whose name fits the pattern admin*, AND
    • who has an attribute “group” and its value fits the pattern admin*. AND
    • who has an attribute “enabled” and its value is “true”.
      - name: pg
      type: pg
      - name: 'admin*'
      group: 'admin*'
      enabled: 'true'

If you forget to set the “allow” property for some profiles, nobody can use them and you'll see a warning when started the server.

Set the allowed profiles of each template

For every template, we need to tell VulcanSQL what profiles they could use by adding profiles property on the schema. From top to bottom, users use the first qualified profile. If users can't use any of them, 403error will be thrown.

urlPath: /customer
- pg-admin
- pg-non-admin